Set in Paris in a not-so-distant future, the film follows a cop in an intense search for a kidnapped scientist who holds the key to eternal life. ‘Renaissance’ is one of the most exciting animation flicks I’ve ever seen. You can watch some of these best adult animated movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime or Hulu. Let’s take a look at the list of top adult animated movies ever – the path less travelled (or seldom travelled, for we haven’t witnessed a good flick since Anomalisa). This qualifies them to be rated as R or NC-17 by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). These are movies that feature the use of strong language and depict sexuality and violence in an unusually bold manner.
Regardless, MPAA has assigned ratings to each one of these as appropriate – based on the sexual content, the violence and gore and the intended explicitness related to profanity.